Commercial for the iconic Nike Mercurial football boots on their 25th anniversary. Directed by Albert Sala, and produced and post-produced by Glassworks Barcelona. Starring Kylian Mbappe. Credits: MERCURIAL 25TH ANNIVERSARY BY NIKE Senior Creative Director: Jordi Pont Producer: Eliot Chassagne Creative Director: Christian Lopez Senior Creative: Kevin Rosmanitz CREATIVE IDEA BY MOX Creative Director: Conor Cronin Creative Director: Matt Bolton Co-founder MOX: Xander Pietrovito Project Director: Mike Anderson DIRECTED AND PRODUCED BY GLASSWORKS Director: Albert Sala Head of Production: Olaia Casal VFX Producer: Anna Gispert DOP: Martí Herrera Photographers: Raul Ruz, Gerai Mena Service Production BCN and Paris: Primo Producer: Julia Estruga Service Production Paris: Iconoclast & Altabrea VFX BY GLASSWORKS Editor: Martí Blanché Colourist: Dani Granado VFX supervisor: Carlos Navarro Lead FX Artist: Pipe Camara FX Artists: Marco Rossi, Taio Prince, Marco Melantonio Compositing Artists: Gabriel Garrido, Roberto Garcia Online Artist: Albert Garcia Sound designer: Aimar Molero

Directed by Ernest Desumbila. Produced and Postproduced by Sauvage.tv. Music video for Labrinth, starring Nathalie Emmanuel. Nominated Best VFX and Best Pop Video UK at UK Music Video Awards 2024. Winner Best VFX at Berlin Commercial 2024. Credits: Production & Post Production Company SAUVAGE.TV Executive Producers EVA LAFFITTE & ERNEST DESUMBILA Producer BRYAN YOUNCE COLUMBIA RECORDS DoP DANIEL ARANYÓ 1st Ad OSCAR DE GRADO Producer MONTSE URNIZA Production Manager JOAN LLOVERAS Production Coordinators AGUSTIN CAPANDEGUY, PAOLA SAN GIL P.A.s MICAELA ARANA, AINA SANTOS, TOM GALLAGER, XAVI KIRI, AINARA MARTOS, DOMINGO RAMOS

Directed by Juan Cabral from MJZ. International campaign for Magnum, from Lola Mullenlowe. Postpoduced at Glassworks Barcelona, we crafted invisible VFX, colour grading and sound design. Credits: Agency: @lolamullenlowe Director: Juan Cabral DOP: Javier Juliá @eljavierj Production Co: MJZ @mjzworldwide Post Production/VFX: @glassworksvfx VFX Supervisor/CD: @carlnabe Set Supervisor / 2D Artist: Juan Listello 2D Artists: Gloria Bernabé, @bofillnoa, Roberto García, Albert García Colourist: @juliarosseticolor Sound designer: @aimarmolero Executive Producer / HoP: @olaiaboniata Producer: @annagispert

Directed by Ernest Desumbila, produced and post-produced by Sauvage.tv. Among the ruins of an extinct civilization, a group of young wanderers press on without looking back. As they tread the path laid by their cyber-gods, they will have to face the demons of time, beauty and the Mediterranean Sea itself before the equinox takes its last breath. Cornered by both the terrifying and the sublime, each of them must make the most transcendental decision of their lives: be ephemeral or become eternal.